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The story begins in 1890...

The emmigration from Trentino

 Emigration of Trentini to Solvay began in the 1890s. The opportunity for many of these immigrants to obtain employment at the Solvay Process and other manufacturing plants in the area created the concentration of Trentini in Solvay. In the early 1900s, the growing number of Trentinibegan to get together to share the same foods, language, customs and religion, and to sustain the ties to their place of origin - Trentino.

The Tyrol Club of Solvay (Il Circolo Trentino di Solvay) was founded in 1929 in Solvay, New York.Trentini who comprise the Solvay club are primarily from the Vali del Giudicarie and the Avio area, but come from other parts of Trentino as well.

History: About Us
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Fastforward to 1929

The Tyrol Club of Solvay was founded!

On October 29, 1929, a group of 29 immigrants, defined as the assembly of the patriarchs, formulated the charter for the Associazione Tyrol Club. The group elected John A. Scaia Sr. from Cologna as the first president. The original group of 10 founders included John A. Scaia Sr., Paul Tarolli, Frank Boldrini, Primo Tarolli, Sylvester Maestri, John Mazzochi, Joseph Pellizzari, Guido Mabboni, Abraham Tarolli, and Antonio Marascalchi. The club was founded to create an association that would be for the advancement and promotion of the general welfare of the Tyrolean people and the stimulation of brotherhood amongst them.

In November of the same year, 136 members endorsed the initial statute. A few years later, the organization relocated to its own facility at 114 Freeman Avenue in rented quarters. In 1933, the Ladies Auxiliary was formed and became an integral part of the club, functioning to this day. In 1949, the members, led by then president Frank Boldrini, decided to build their own facility on Lamont Avenue, where it currently remains as the home for todays membership. The building contains a large hall used for dinners, social events and other activities, 2 barrooms, kitchen facilities, and many other amenities.

 Descendants of those who immigrated have achieved prominence in many areas within the local community, including law, industry, medicine, and politics. The impact of Trentini immigrants is especially prominent in affairs of the village of Solvay and surrounding governmental subdivisions. Present activities of the Tyrol Club serve to fulfill the original intentions and carry on Trentino traditions and heritage. Toward that end, the Solvay Tyrol Club had its own singing group and band for many years. The singing group, known as the Choraliers no longer exists, but their performances have been recorded and retained for ongoing enjoyment by current members and others.


History: About Us

In today's day & age

there are approximately 220 regular male members and 230 ladies auxiliary members of direct Trentino descent. In addition, there are about 160 male social members who are not of Trentino descent but who are very supportive of the efforts of the organization. Current activities include monthly polenta dinners serving 250 to 300 people, an annual picnic, weekly card playing for 7 months per year, a golf league, wild game dinners, and numerous other dinners and affairs for the benefit of all.

There is also a bi-weekly meeting of individuals who meet to sustain the Trentino/Tyrolean dialect. In addition to in-house activities, the Tyrol Club of Solvay is very supportive of community events and contributes generously to local youth organizations, the Solvay High School scholarship fund, the local library, area churches and other worthy community and non-profit endeavors. The Tyrol Club of Solvay hosted the 2008 ITTONA convention.

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History: About Us
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